Saturday, September 11, 2010


I believe the school district has been wildly successful with the idea of giving all the teachers Macbooks. I say this because now I spend more time working than ever before. It's easy. "The kids are on the home computer," is not an excuse anymore. Not only that, but when everyone at home is otherwise occupied and I find myself with no one to talk to, I can always update the gradebook. And then when that's all done, here I am blogging away as if my random thoughts matter. It's kind of cathartic, I guess, or maybe that's pathetic. Whoa, I'm thinking in rhymes. I suppose I should use this creative energy to further the limerick war.

There was a dog from San Diego
Who often would chew an old leggo
Until he learned about
How it hurt coming out
And he switched to a comfortable eggo

There was an old coot from New York
Who would not, could not use a fork
Or a spoon, for that matter
To scoop up his batter
He'd use nothing else but a spork

(These are really starting to get lame.) :)

1 comment:

  1. That was awesome.
    And lego is spelled with one g.
    That is all I have to say.
